Dinh Khac Tuan (Louis Dinh) is the CEO and the brilliant one who set the base of Dịch Thuật Sài Gòn start-up in 2005. You will have chances to chat with him in the mini talk-show at LollyBooks Cafe Thai Ha next weekend.

However, what interesting at Dinh Khac Tuan is not only his great effort to develop the career but also the way he establishes the valuable relationship and equips with a wealthy man’s thinking. Being a member of Steering Board of Vietnam Translation Association, General Secretary of Vietnam Business Association, Vice President of CEO Club, Vice Chairman of Leading The Future Club, founding member of Millionaire House, and member of other clubs, he has given and taken a series of life value deprived from relationships surrounding him.

Please, do not hesitate to exchange with Mr. Dinh Khac Tuan to listen to his story right from his business start, social activities to link young community who love to be rich, training courses with the world famous speakers to see how such as young man can equip the thinking of success and wealth. The program is participated by members of Millionaire House Club and Real TV.
Time: 20h at the evening on Saturday 22nd January, 2011
Location: Lollybooks Café new location at No. 18, lane 131 Thai Ha, Hanoi.
To register to participate in the exchange, contact us for more information
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