Ideal workplaces for translators

[:en]If you are the owner of both foreign language and Vietnam, there are many agencies willing to invite you to work with a desirable salary, even with 150 to 200 dollars for each working day at the draft. If you do not like working in a stable but chose intention of becoming a freelance translator, you can absolutely afford themselves a comfortable life. For some, high income this also means that a huge amount of work and pressure that you have to endure and overcome.

Currently, many service agencies and organizations with high demands of the interpreter and tend to increase during the current integration.
Those translation abilities can be applied to the following organizations:

1 large international organizations

International organizations such as the UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and regional organizations such as APEC, EU, ASEAN, etc. need of an interpreter is fluent in English and local languages . Such organizations always include parts translated or the translation team.

Translator on duty here often translated in the conference, as well as press conferences, documents, etc. English is the common language all over the world but in other languages such as Russian, French, Chinese, Spain, etc. are essential as well. During the conference, representatives of the national languages still used to listen to speeches or view documents in their own language.

2 multinational corporations

The multinational corporations are large companies with branches in many countries around the world. These companies use English as the main language so they need an interpreter fluent in the native language for development business in each country.

While strong growth and international integration of our country today, more and more multinational companies to invest in Vietnam. This is a favorable condition for the translators.

3 travel companies

Tourism industry of this country is currently focusing on the development. One of the important customers of the travel industry as foreign tourists. they come from many different countries and speak different languages.

Not all foreign tourists speak common languages such as English, French or Chinese, etc. Therefore, the tourism industry needs skilled translators have good knowledge of culture, customs and customs of Vietnam and other countries and regions around the world.

4 newspapers, radio, television companies

If you are good at and love language newspapers, the mass media agencies could work area of your ideal. Not a few graduate students working in language newspaper companies in economic, cultural, social science etc. International.

Magazines, newspapers published in foreign languages or radio programs and television for foreigners … is very important translators, editors, reporters fluent in foreign languages.

In addition to the foreign language program, now, TV stations and local central Vietnam were exploited and used a lot of TV programs as well as foreign films from America, England, France, South Korea, Japan, China, etc., which opens up many opportunities for language learners to work in television.

Those who work in the media center should be fluent in both forward and reverse translation, or even have the ability to write in a foreign language. Besides, critical editing skills as well.

5 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

It is the part that always need staff with good language skills. If you are good at foreign languages and wants to become a diplomat, do not hesitate to apply here. Currently, the State Department is gathering place a translation system is considered to be the most professional translator in Vietnam.

6 departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, etc. is all included parts in charge of external services (also known as the Department of international cooperation.) Working in this department, the translator is responsible for translating the documents, reports, agreements, contracts, etc. from foreign languages into Vietnamese and vice versa and in meetings between the concerned officials and international visitors or to foreign officials for talks, visit or explore the situation, etc.

7, Publisher

If you are good at foreign languages and interested in books and a desire to bring human intelligence to the people, the book publishers, corporations, etc. would be a great choice of you. With language skills of you, you can translate, or evaluate, modify copies in the publisher. You can also work in agencies of foreign copyright, international transactions

8 agencies and other organizations

Although several works in the agency did not have much contact with foreign partners, but in the context of the current integration, the role of the translator is still very important. they will translate the document in relevant areas in other countries for agencies and organizations to learn from experience. When teams travel abroad to visit, learn and study abroad, it is also an indispensable role of the translator.

9 The translation companies and centers

With the huge demand of the society, in recent years we have witnessed a strong growth of the company and centersin Vietnam translation. English, French, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea even Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, etc. interpreters have the opportunity to work here.

You are not totally dependent on any agency, organization specific. Are you a freelance translator, proactive work organization and your work in order of organizations and individuals in need .

Your advantage is that you can choose who and what you want to translate. however, you have to overcome the difficulties that you will not have a fixed monthly salary, should always be looking and working arrangements . This is not a problem if you are a good interpreter, responsible and dynamic.

Michael Doan – Saigon Translation market
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