What qualities are required to be a professional translator?


If you are a new comer in translation industry, have you ever dreamed of becoming a leading and professional translator one day? If yes, have you ever asked yourself what qualities are required to be a professional translator? If you did, congratulations, by asking yourself this question, you are reaching a higher step of a genuine translator and sooner or later, a huge number of loyal clients will come to you as these criteria are exactly what they want from a translator. Hereunder are some criteria that a professional translator must possess out of language skills and qualifications in foreign language.


Whether you are a free-lancer or working for a leading translation company, it is very important to follow the discipline of time. It is remarkably important when you are working for yourself and not bound by any rules and fining policy like other officers in company. A professional translator is very good in time-management. He always has a logical worksing schedule and strictly sticks to it. Ideally, he will devide the works into different groups and order, what needs to be done prioritizedly will be done first. Definitely, no excuse to defer any work or project today to tomorrow

Self-discipline is also displayed in the way you protect your client’s information. Confidentiality is what a professional translator always respect for

Adaptability and ready-to-learn attitude

Our world changes fast and so does translation industry. There are more and more types of translation nowadays. Translation is not purely transferring the meaning of words from a paper document but also from a video, clip, ebook, picture or software. Hence, a good translator must have updated himself to quickly response to the new request of clients. An ideal translator must know how to add translated subtitle and transcription for a video, use translation software, editing software and designing software

Moreover, a competent translator is not allowed to ignore the current affairs despite he or she is very busy. Watching news bulletin daily will gradually build up translators’ general knowledge, hence, positively take effect on their translation

Industry knowledge

There are some topics you may be familiar with but others you are not. A professional translator never makes himself unprepared for any topic. You can get a thorough understanding of the topic by studying the prior-reading material given by client, or prepare vocabulary and terminology table effectively. Also, by his own networking, he can find as much relevant information as he can.

Good cultural awareness

How can you translate a document well if you have no idea of that language’s culture? Talented translator and interpreter will never miss a chance to explore foreign culture in every business trip. Other than books, magazines and movies, travelling to experience the real life is always a sensible way to enhance the cultural knowledge of a translator. Thus, working hard to earn money for a tour, then, what you get from a tour when helps you earns much more money and more importantly, makes you outstanding from other translators

What qualities are required to be a professional translator? Can you figure out more criteria? Let’s share with us!


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