Translation and interpretation services for Halla Cooperation

The client
Halla Cooperation, founded in 1962, was the first heavy equipment producer operating under the name of Huyndai International. For more than 50 years, Halla Cooperation has continuously grown and became the pioneer in Korean heavy industry as well as related business including construction, shipbuilding, New Businesses, Logistics/Service, Education, and automobile field. Halla has brought its technology and potency outside of Korean border, establishing a network of branches in USA, China and many other countries in Asia, South America and Europe. Halla Corporation in Vietnam has partnered with companies in various industries.

The challenge
As a foreign company investing in Vietnam, Halla must handle the same obstacle as many other investors – the language barrier. Thanks to the open cultural and economic relationship between the 2 countries, Korean is now one of the most popular languages in used in Vietnam with a mass number of speaker. However, the amount of Korean translators and interpreters who work professionally in language industry just accounts for small quantities.

Saigon Translation solution
To fulfill Halla’s requirements of interpreters in negotiation and interpreters working on construction site, our PM has grouped different teams of linguist experts to match each kind of context. Our team of translators also provided translation for construction document and contracts for Korean – Vietnamese language pair. With years of experience in providing Korean manufacturing and construction language services, Saigon Translation had provided excellent services for Halla, contributing to the success of their project.


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